Procedures for Addressing Concerns

Lincoln Marti Charter Schools Osceola Campus 

Conflict Resolution Designee: Daniht Reategui, 305-643-4888, Ext. 207,

Lincoln Marti Charter Schools Little Havana Campus 

Conflict Resolution Designee: Maria Vasallo, 305-793-5167,

Charter High Schools of the Americas

Conflict Resolution Designee: Maria C. Rodriguez, 305- 325-1001,

Lincoln Marti Charter Schools Hialeah Campus 

Conflict Resolution Designee: Marlene Alvarez, 305- 642-1000 Ext. 267,

Lincoln Marti Charter Schools International Campus 

Conflict Resolution Designee: Maria Vasallo, 305-793-5167,

Charter High Schools of the Americas Florida City

Conflict Resolution Designee: Georgia Velez,

Management Company: Educational Management Associates, L.L.C.
2700 SW 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33135
(305) 643-4888



Parents, concerned citizens and the general public can sign-up to address the Governing Board at a board meeting. If someone would like to address the Governing Board, that person can do so at the board meeting by writing his or her name on the speaker’s list that is available at the meeting. When the public comment portion of the agenda begins, the Governing Board Chair will call the names of the persons who signed-up to speak in the order that they appear on the list. Each speaker is allotted a minimum time of two minutes to address the board. If additional time is needed, the speaker may ask the board to extend the time.